Why we love what we do at Bar is Good
One day while away at a work conference, I called my wife (because I had nothing better to do). I had just come from a session and had some time to kill before the next session. While speaking to my wife I told her I was going to hang out at the bar until my next session began, to which she replied' "Bar is Good". The next day I applied for a trade mark, and the rest, as they say, is history!
At Bar is Good we do not promote drinking, in fact, sometimes the alcohol isn't even the best part of the bar. Historically, bars have been meeting places and social hang outs. A place to play pool or darts, or to just have a relaxing leisurely discussion with the resident bar keep. Bars have been featured in sit coms' (think Cheers (Cheers), Paddies Pub (Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia), Moe's (the Simpsons), just to name a few, as places to hang out and relax with friends.
Actually, many things have been created in bars, Southwest Airlines, Pet Rocks and yes, the United States Marine Corp, were all started over a couple of drinks.
So next time life is getting you down, remember... Bar is Good!!